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We now have so much renewed interest in our Pavilion, and we still have much to do moving forward! We have a lot of new faces on our Facebook group, so see below to find out how else you can be involved.


You may not be aware that our Facebook group is affiliated with a legally incorporated Not for Profit Association registered with the Queensland Government!


As we move into this next phase of ‘Restore or Rebuild’, you are invited to apply for membership of Suttons Beach Pavilion Preservation Group Inc. Membership is free and it’s easy to apply. In coming days and weeks, we plan to hold information and consultation sessions for members of our incorporated group, so don’t miss out!

Being a member of this Facebook group does not mean that you are automatically part of the legally Incorporated group.


Suttons Beach Pavilion Preservation Group Inc. is recognised by MBRC as being the voice of the community regarding the Pavilion, and over the past year we have attended a series of meetings with the Council and these meetings are set to continue as we help to shape ‘what next’. So if you want to have some positive and constructive input, then we would love you to join us.

About Suttons Beach Pavilion Preservation Group Inc.

Suttons Beach Pavilion Preservation Group Inc. has a Constitution, a committee and a membership list- the objects in our constitution are stated at the bottom of this post. We hold Public Liability Insurance with a limit of $20m. 

Our full Constitution (the legal rules by which we operate) can be found in the Files section at the top of our Facebook page.


Members, (like any association) will have a say in what goes on and vote at general meetings. Because the SBPPG is incorporated in Queensland, you must be a Queensland resident, over 18 years of age and agree to the objectives below.



The existing committee will remain until the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) when nominations will be invited for committee membership (this will be 6 months after the end of the financial year of incorporation- likely December 2023)

Current Committee Members are:

• Jodie Starr [President)

• Karen Whittam (Secretary and Treasurer)

• Shane Bowering

• Bruce Carter

• Rodney Hutchison

• Bobbi McGrath

• Robyn Symons

Membership means there are no expectations of you and no disadvantages. You will be involved and consulted.

If you care about our Pavilion and want to have a say in its future, are positive and wish to make a difference without just making noise - this is your chance.

Apply for membership of Suttons Beach Pavilion Preservation Group Inc.

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